In response to request/orders received, Marketient provides strategic business/market analysis services to a select group of customers who are limited to publications containing valuable market information. The publication is solely for our customers’ internal use. It is acknowledged by our customer, by placing the order that no part of this strategic business/market analysis service is for general publication or disclosure to the third party.

Marketient doesn’t make any warranty for the accuracy of the data as these are primarily based on interviews and, therefore, liable for fluctuation. Also, Marketient doesn’t take responsibility for incorrect information supplied by manufacturers or users.

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The client will make payment to Marketient as mentioned on the website and by accepting all the Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, GDPR Policy, and Refund Policy while making the payment via credit card or wire/bank transfer (Via Invoice, Note: Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, GDPR Policy, and Refund Policy are mentioned in the invoice as well). He/she is responsible for use, sales, and related taxes & customs.

Once made, the purchase decision cannot be undone. The company does not accept return of products after delivery, owing to the nature and format of the data. The data is fragile and can be used easily. As it is digital information, it cannot be returned. Also Considering the confidentiality and value of the data provided in reports, refunds cannot be granted after the report has been dispatched. However, it will provide customization of the report, if it contains missing or incomplete data.

The client should get in touch with the company in case of any doubts related to the transaction before deciding and clicking on the purchase button on the website.